Saturday, July 22, 2006

World of Warcraft Class Damage Poll...

Base on a survey from fellow players in WoW, these are the results on choosing a specific class character that do the most damage in WoW whether be in PvP, raid or in instance.

In ranking order from the most damage to the least...

1. Mages (High damage character)
2. Rogues (High damage and damage sustainable due to his wide arrays of poisons)
3. Warriors (Above average damage and can hold aggro well)
4. Hunters & Warlocks (Above average damage with pet)
5. Paladins ( Avergae damage but well loved by other players for their ability to heal and keeping the higher damage characters alive)
6. Shaman (same as Paladins)
7. Druids (same as Paladins)


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