Sunday, June 25, 2006

WOW Fast Gold Tips

Here's some more World Of Warcraft gold tactics to make solid, informed choices in your game.

  1. Look our for the odd or wandering merchant. Check out his goods for any rare or limited supply recipes. Buy these recipes. All these rare recipes can be sold off at the auction house for a much higher profit than your original purchase price.

    You will definitely have buyers for these items as there will always be players who needs these special recipes, players who do not know where to locate it and those that are too lazy with too much gold bidding for it as long as it's not being priced too ridiculously.

  2. If you find there's a lot of the same kind of items as yours for sale at the auction house at the same period of time, hold off a little while then try again.

    If you are quite familiar with the availability of the items on sale, you might like to purchase these items from the other party who is selling it off at extremely low price. There will be many players out there who do not know the true value of a particular item they are selling.

    The best time to have your auctions are on the weekends with a lot of players in the game bidding for the same item. You will tend to get more gold for the same item you auction off on weekends as compared to weekdays.

  3. For starters, don't bother to buy weapons or amour from the vendor as you will always loot better weapons. Alternatively, buy it off the auction house. You will be surprise how many green and blue items selling at ridiculously low prices.

    Use your gold only for the necessities like food, potions and reapairing of your items. Concentrate the remaining gold on your training.

So let's get started to benefit from these WOW gold tips!!!