Saturday, August 05, 2006

More World of Warcraft Tips....

WoW Tip #1

Whenever you are doing a Quest, you should be at least 2 levels above the Quest to cruise through. This is especially useful when you are soloing. You will kill at a faster pace, take less damage. Furthermore, your XP will be double if you also have ample rest at the inn.

WoW Tip #2

When you find yourself low on quest that is at your level or lower, you might want to attempt the higher quest. A good advice is that you try to grind around a spot near the quest area where the monsters' level are somewhere at your level or below. The maximum level of the enemies you can safely kill through are +1 above you. Any monsters that has a +2 and you will have a hard time, though the items drop can be quite useful if you manage to do it.

Grinding out low level monsters for an hour to help you acheive that extra level can actually do you more good than harm.

WoW Tip #3

On the average of doing an instance can help you achieve an average of 4 level per instance. So try to do as many instance as possible. The other advantages that comes with doing instances are of course the huge amount of gold along the way, high xp accumulated and lots of green and blue items drop.

If you run that many instances, you will find yourself cruising to level 60 soon enough.