Friday, December 08, 2006

World of Warcraft Levelling

by Micah Schaeffer

World of Warcraft is a MMORPG (massively multi-player online role-playing game) with upwards of 7 million members. It is claimed that it is now the world's most popular MMORPG. Characters in the game start at level 1 and progress to level 60 by gaining experience. Progress is quite fast during the first few levels but becomes agonizingly slow at higher levels. Experience can only be gained in two ways.

The first is by killing mobs (MOvable OBjects) within the game. Every kill will give you a small amount of experience based on the level of the mobs and your level. Mobs above your level will give you the more experience but these high-level mobs are also just as likely to kill you. Within the game death isn't a permanent thing and will merely result in a journey from the nearest graveyard to recover your corpse. The repeated killing of experience giving mobs is known grinding. Killing mobs one or two levels below your level will give you the fastest levelling. These mobs give slightly less experience than the higher levels, but of course the deaths, and hence downtime are less.

The seconds way of gaining experience to increase in level is by completing quests given to you by Non-Playing Characters (NPCs) within the game. These quests are often trivial at low levels and may simply involve reporting to another NPC or completing a simple delivery. At high levels, for more experience, they can be complex and take several hours, if not days to finish. Completing quests is a lot more interesting, although it too can involve some grinding looking for items dropped by the mobs.

Whether you gain experience by questing, grinding or a combination of the two really comes down to your personal preference. Grinding can be fairly boring but questing can be frustrating for the harder quests and, unless you know your way around or have a good guide, can take a long time.

Powerleveling is a process of gaining experience faster than normal for your level. This is actually quite easy to achieve for your second and subsequent characters since you will have access to gold, the in-game currency. The easiest way to powerlevel is to use "twinking" that is to use items or enchants that would not normally be available to a new character. For example, you can add extra armour or health to a character to make them harder to kill. Twinking can enable a low level character to take on mobs of 4 or 5 levels higher with impunity and thus gain more experience with each kill. More mobs at a higher level equates to faster levelling.

For many more world of Warcraft levelling tips including a complete level 1 to 60 walk through visit Warcraft Levelling at