Saturday, February 03, 2007

Real Military Tactics you can use in the World of Warcraft to improve your PvP skills

Warcraft is a game of Player versus Player (PvP) action. It is all about war and real military tactics translate well into the game. Here are some real tactics that you can use to improve your pvp in the game.

All for one and one for all

This is a tactic that was made famous by the British Navy in the 19th century. Up until that time when two fleets of ships engaged in combat each ship would find an enemy to pair up against. But this concept says that all the ships in the British fleet should simultaneously attack one enemy ship and sink it real fast. This tactic is perfect for Warcraft. If you are in a group of players and you encounter an enemy group you should call out one enemy and then all attack him at the same time. In a matter of five seconds the chosen enemy is gone and now your party of five is facing a party of four. You have a distinct advantage. You should all focus on the next foe and take him out. Using a tactic like this can make your group practically unstoppable.

Tommy Drills

This is a common term for performing the same actions over and over again. It was commonly used for learning how to load, fire, clear and reload a weapon. The purpose of repeating the drill many many times was to make it second nature. This way, when you are in combat you don't have to think about it at all -it comes automatically. You should do this with your warcraft skills. Set up your tool bar with your best weapons and defenses and then in the arena, in challenges, and in real pvp you practice the same set of button combinations. Doing this over and over will make it automatic and you practically unstoppable.

Special Forces Team Interlocking Skills

Special forces teams are small teams of soldiers that are all trained in different skills. This allows them, as a team to successfully handle a very wide range of problems. In warcraft, particularly on the battlefields like Arathi Basin or Warsong Gulch the pitch of battle is very feverish and people are fighting in a haphazard manner. You can significantly increase your chances of success if you just team up with one person with an opposite skill set. If you are a magic user type you should look for a warrior or rogue type and follow him around and conversely, if you are a hack and slash, toe-to-toe damage type you should find a magic user type to befriend or just follow around. Having two very different skill sets focused on an opponent brings an incredible array of weapons to bear that nobody few players can overcome.

The title of the game "Warcraft" says it all and it is only natural that some of the best combat techniques used by the military translate well into the game. With a little know how and a little practice you can apply these techniques and dramatically improve your pvp performance.

The author has blurred the line between reality and Warcraft by building a virtual reality chamber in his living room where he plays warcraft after work. You can see this Warcraft pod and his other projects at: The Warcraft Virtual Reality Pod - The Ultimate Game Experience at